You have several options to contact support. We want to be sure to be available to help in whatever format works best for your issue.
Your first method of contact should be our bot Chip, available on the bottom right of the screen.
We know many of you are shaking your heads because you don't want to message with a bot. But Chip is what's called an 'Intents' bot, that means they'll aim to help you, whether that's by connecting you to an agent or giving you a faster resolution that you can self-serve.
If Chip can't answer your questions, the bot isn't in place to keep you from speaking to us. Chip will put you in touch either via email or message with an agent to support you when needed.
The reason we have Chip to help us answer issues is so we can spend time with players who might have complex issues. Chip also connects you with our e-mail team when we can't assist you with an issue on messenger. |
You can email us by clicking 'Submit a Support Request' in the header bar of the help center.
Each field on this form needs to be filled in, apart from the optional 'Attachments' option. We will acknowledge your email within 24 hours. Depending on the complexity of the issue, we may need more time to provide a resolution, but our teams will keep you informed during the process.
You can submit a request for a callback by opening messenger at the bottom right of the screen. Our team will aim to call you back within 72 hours. While call backs are available, we would always suggest using our other contact methods for a speedier resolution.
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